To transform the IT landscape of Gujarat by becoming one of the leading states in terms of world-class lr infrastructure, availability of high-skilled resources and innovation in Emerging Technologies
The key objectives of the Policy are
To act as a catalyst in the growth of the lT/lTeS ecosystem
To enable the stakeholders of the lT/lTeS sector to create state-of{he-art lT infrastructure in the form of ready to occupy co-working office spaces
To enable the creation of high-skilled lT human resources in the state.
To encourage large-scale investment in the lT/lTeS sector through specia provisions for mega lT/lTeS projects.
To establish the state as a hub for innovation in Emerging and Advanced Technologies.
The proposed Policy aims to achieve the following milestones in the next five years:
Place Gujarat in the top five performing states of lndia in lT sector
lncrease Gujarat's annual lT exports from INR 3,000 Cr. to over INR 25,000 Cr.
Generate more than one lakh new lT/lTeS jobs in the State.
Become the national leader in terms of world-class lT infrastructure, Data Centers and lnnovation Centers in Emerging Technologies.
Government facilitated state-of-the-art lT infrastructure
lncentivising the development of lT Cityffownship for facilitating a Walkto-Work culture
Fostering Research & Development in Emerging Technologies
Al School or Center of Excellence - Advanced research center as a special Mega Project
Upskilling state-wide talent through fiscal incentives for skill upgradation courses
Enhancing digital literacy from the grassroots level
CAPEX-OPEX model - A unique and simplified approach towards the scheme of assistance
Enhanced tailor-made incentive scheme with special provisions for Mega Projects
Special employment generation incentives for boosting local employment
Enabling cloud computing by encouraging technologically advanced Data Centers and supporting the establishment of Cable Landing Station (CLS)
Online lncentive Portal for efficient and transparent implementation